
Click to enlargepadNo Empty Bunks Tonight<br>by William S. Phillips

Running dangerously low on fuel, "Tail End Charlie" begins its descent for home. The last plane in an aircraft formation, "Tail End Charlie" is usually the one most vulnerable to attack. The crew of 478, racing through the war-torn skies above Britain and the English Channel, has survived flak, fighters, thunder storms and the bonechilling cold of high altitude battle, to complete yet another in a long series of missions. Ahead is the welcome homecoming of debriefing, hot meals and a warm bed. For the 478, there will be no empty bunks tonight. The B-24 depicted in No Empty Bunks Tonight belonged to the 578th Bomb Squadron, 392nd Bomb Group, 2nd Division, Eighth Air Force, based out of Wendling, England in 1944.

Edition Size: 50 S/N
Image Size: 33 1/2" x 17 1/2"

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Eyes of the Wild Art Gallery
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